Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Cancer Update Post - Can't Sleep Again

Well once again I find it to be late for me and I've been tired. Can't sleep this time though because when I go to sleep I know I'm waking up to more chemo treatment. This will hopefully be my second-to-last one to go through. Since everything is still looking good to go after my radiation which I just started receiving the "maybe" bills for. They labeled it as "therapeutic" radiation treatment and I don't know what other cancer patients think but... that is not therapeutic.

I think what freaks me out the most is after all this chemo I've had I know the drugs now. I know which ones hit me harder. I know which ones put me down for most of the week. I know just by the bag size and color now. I know what they taste like as they hit my bloodstream through the port in my chest. I know the side effects I'll get while getting the treatment. That's why I don't sleep though so I'm super tired by the time I get there. That way I just try to sleep through a majority of treatment. My own little personal version of time travel. That is until I have to wake up so I can go piss orange...

I know this is going to be a really hard week for me. The drug I'm getting today I haven't had the whole time I was going through radiation. It was simply too toxic to give to me then  but now I must endure it again. The bag is huge and I get it in the course of a day which is a lot to take in from how they have explained it. Usually by the time this is over it will be hard to do anything even if it is something simple like typing or clicking a lot (like in video games). That's where it gets hard to entertain yourself because your so weak but you can't sleep all the time. There are still life things to do and also trying to make sure I eat something every once in a while...without wanting to hurl.

But I will accept it with a smile, come home with a smile, and get through this without many issues. I know now after the year I've had that I'm a tough son of a bitch and nobody can tell me otherwise. However, I also have some of the greatest friends and family that have helped me a long the way that I'm grateful for. It's the perks of building friendships that you wanted to last a lifetime. Yeah a lot of us have become distant because of life choices or just life in general. But we all know that we have each others back no matter the distance and time.

Just needed to rant a little and get some shit out there and thanks for reading!

With love,

Monday, November 3, 2014

Pic of the Week - Super Smash Bros. 3DS

Take in the fantastic moment made of choices. What's a player to do against a player-controlled-air-hopping can that explodes for too much damage?

If you have an epic or funny pic either link it in the comments or email me at nubbygaming13@gmail.com!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Super Smash Bros. 3DS - Champ of the Week - Luigi

So decided to start a weekly thing regarding Smash Bros. because this game is too fun to not talk about. It's a fighting game that got it's start with the N64 and has been a huge success since then. I thought maybe it would be fun to talk about my favorite champs at least once a week. Not so much of a competitive/tier review because I think I have no place reviewing champs in that way. I love this game casually but know I stand no chance in competitive. More or less I'll be talking about why/how I have fun with champs. Also talk about what I think I suck at and needs to be worked on.

luigi_fireballWithout further delay let's get started with the terrible yet amazing green missile that is Luigi. He's been a member of the Smash Bros. roster since the beginning. He was an unlock-able champ in the original title but I never played him much then. Hell it's been so long I don't even remember who my main was in the old games. The tall dorky dude is usually in the main man Mario's shadow but with games like Luigi's Mansion, he finally gets the lime light he deserves. Also the fact that Luigi is all about the green he definitely gets extra points.

 His move set is sort of weird, at least for me, and requires some thinking to get around all the different styles in Smash. The more mechanically sound players might have an easier time at this since they can sneak in attacks better. For me I find that Luigi has a lot of very telegraphic moves that make it even harder for me to get damage done sometimes. But the funny sounds and the rewarding feeling of landing an Up+B attack for a K.O. is unmatched in my book.

If anyone reads this that is mechanically sound and knows some tricks with Mr. Green please by all means comment away. Like I said I just like talking about and playing Smash Bros. but I am in no position to give tips or tell people how to play. 

All-in-all I give Luigi a very serious score of 8 Luigi Cyclones out of 10.

With love,