Friday, October 16, 2015


I think I would be more OK with comic super heroes in TV shows than movies now. Only because The Flash, Arrow and Agents of Shield are great examples of what good shows can be. Especially with Flash and Arrow always having "Flarrow" episodes where they constantly reference each other or work together now. Let's just use DC for example:

They have been getting slaughtered by Marvel in the cinematic take on their comics in movies for some time. Why even compete at this point? Yea sure I think Batman vs. Superman will be good but the thought that it will introduce the idea of the Justice League astounds me. Everyone knows that it will take years for DC to make that happen. Why would you shoot yourself in the foot like that? One of the founding members of the Justice League already has a greatly successful show. And The Green Arrow becomes part of the Justice League too! Now you have to cast different actors just to include them in the movie versions which will confuse and anger most fans of the show. When you could just have each Justice League member have their own TV show with moments where they come together as the Justice League.

The CW is trying their best to pick up the pieces of DC's stupidity by giving us Legends of Tomorrow which is basically the closest thing we will be getting to the Justice League on TV. The problem is DC doesn't have the balls to put Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Shazam, Martian Manhunter or Cyborg on TV. All of whom have been in versions of the Justice League and could be easily introduced in The Flash or Arrow. Even though they allowed Supergirl to become a thing and Batman in the form of Gotham but that is just Batman BEFORE Batman...

I really hope that all the easter eggs in The Flash and Arrow regarding the Green Lantern come forward. There are just so many I hope somebody has the balls and know how to put Hal Jordan on the TV screen. They have already brought "meta-humans" in with The Flash and introduced "mysticism" in Arrow so why not "space police" in the form of The Lantern Corps.?

They have the means to make a great TV universe for DC that would be a shit ton more successful than their movies have been in my opinion. It's just will DC have the smarts to see it and take advantage of the opportunity that Flash/Arrow have given them?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Change in Attitude

I've come to realization that for a while now I have been different. I mean my attitude has become different. Mostly some sort of underlying change that came from cancer. I was made aware of it this past weekend and it hurt friends of mine, whom I consider family. I know personally I don't fret a lot of things because of the huge issues I have hanging over me. But that doesn't mean that other people's issues are any less for them just because of what I've been through or still going through. I channeled my fortitude in the wrong way and for that I'm sorry to those it affected. You know who you are and I know you will see this. Thank you for making me aware and I promise things will be different.

I want to continue to be the person that people can go to because of my attitude. I don't want my attitude to be the reason people don't come to me. This stressful month will end on high notes I feel and from there everything should start getting better. I will be getting back into my habits of consciously focusing on positive energy and the things we want in life. I hope that my dearest and closest friends will still be there for it all.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

My First Reddit Content Post

So my latest vlog I did a little extra editing with and total time it probably took me 4-5 hours to complete. Since it deals with League of Legends and the currently ongoing World Championships I made the bold decision to post this video to Reddit. The League subreddit, which can be found HERE, is actually a terrifying place to put up your first big content post. Imagine the worst toxicity all found in a nice neat forum. Well I didn't care and posted the above video anyway and what was the initial reaction?

Not completely as horrible as I thought it was going to be but not that great either. Obviously, like any YouTube video, there will most likely be more negative than good comments that come forth first. I don't mind though because I know I have a long way to go before I'm where I want to be in regards to comfort in front of a camera. So I take everything said in comments and take them with stride because you have to be complete shit before you can even become better.

And I will get better and plan on taking some of the YouTube comments advice. The biggest complaint I've seen so far is there wasn't enough difference about it. Or there wasn't enough controversy that could spark debate. (I took that last part as there wasn't enough meaty details to make people want to talk about the video) Now granted some of this has to deal with the fact that when I did this vlog I tried to write somethings out. You can tell I'm reading quite a bit in the video which I know takes away from the jokes feeling natural. The writing itself needs a lot of work but I'm still so new to this I just try my best to learn. But I tried to get this all in order while working the night shift, getting home to layout groundwork writing, shoot video, gathered highlight videos, screenshots, logos, then throw the whole thing together fast enough that I have time to do some house cleaning before the wife gets home. I did a shit ton in a small amount of time and I'm proud of that. I also, whether this video gets a ton of dislikes or not, had tons of fun making this video and I plan to make more.

In the end even though I took some hits from Reddit I can take it. So here's to improving myself and making a better video every time. So what did you think of the video?

So they want controversy and debate huh?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Minimum Wage and the Struggles of the Adulthood

I love how people bitch about the minimum wage increase idea. Usually the people against it have never known what true debt/burden feels like. These are the people that got the jobs they went to school for. Well good for you... you knew what you wanted out of college and got a decent job in your field. Most people don't have this luxury and are now stuck in a world where chasing any sort of dream is far off. It's hard to chase the stars when the systems in place have made sure I'm securely fastened to the ground under a mountain of expenses/debt.

The price tag on college makes it so one trip there will make sure you pay that for life. If you make the wrong choice for college and don't finish or finish with a degree that companies give 0 shits about then that's it. The fact that a lot of people have to work 50+ hours a week just to support themselves is beyond fucked. Just the base cost of living can put stress on the wallet. Let's add in all the things we need from week to week and the things we pay each month. Such things like the school loan, car loan, full coverage car insurance because you needed to take a loan for it, health insurance, water and electric, rent at the end of the month, by golly we haven't even gotten to the part where we need gas for that lovely car and HOLY SHIT we're humans so we need groceries so we can eat, and all this is if life is going well and good. We won't even get into the idea of what happens when you have medical bills. Or your car breaks down and needs repaired.

Fact is that most of our generation was forced to go to college which sent a lot of us into a debt that we shouldn't have to bear alone. The cost of education...wait... not just education but the cost of EVERYTHING has skyrocketed. Yet the one thing that helps us pay for all of it has NOT kept up with the times. But this is because we all just don't work hard enough right? We are all just lazy people that don't work hard for our dreams, right?!!? Fact is that not all of us want to be grand inventors, or engineers, or doctors, or CEOs. Some just want to enjoy the life we have been given on this earth. Why should the "smarter" more "distinguished" members of our working society be the only people that can enjoy life? Why should the grunt warehouse worker not make enough to enjoy life just because they aren't the distinguished TEAM LEAD, or the all powerful SUPERVISOR, or the ever important PLANT MANAGER. When in reality it's the grunts and peons of this world that make it fucking work at it's core. If we were all CEOs then nothing would function and anyone with this argument that you just need to move up the chain can kindly move along because you don't have a clue.

One of the bigger arguments against a wage increase I hear is that companies won't have the money to afford that. Oh really? You're telling me there isn't anywhere they can make cuts in their spending? Oh I don't know maybe let's say at the CEO level first and work our way down. It's no secret that CEOs and other higher up-the-chain members of corporations make WAY TOO MUCH MONEY. The whole idea behind raising the minimum wage starts at CEOs and their business partners actually giving a shit about the people that keep their company moving. But they rarely ever do so this is where the protests for wage increase come in. Because this will only happen when their hands are forced by the people for the people.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

30 Days of WoW - Day 24 - Team Serious Episode 3 (RBG)

Another victory in the YOLO books on Deepwind Gorge. This time my rogue buddy and I capture and hold one node by ourselves long enough to pull members of their team to us. This swings the game in favor of our team since they became out numbered at other flags. I definitely need to work on paying better attention to the flag when the enemy tries to ninja cap. Take notes boys so you know how to not suck like I do in this game!

With love,

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

****** Delay in Content and Content Announcement ******

With work and life in general there are never guarantees that one will be able to do all the things one wants to do. If some haven't noticed there has been some gaps in my content. Yes, some of it was due to Blogger fucking up but some was just me choosing sleep over content. By working on YouTube or Blogger stuff I stay awake later than I should. Whether it be editing videos/pictures or publishing everything. I could say part of me should find better time management but sometimes the best time is getting your body rest.

I just want to make sure I never quit with YouTube or Blogger. I enjoy doing it and so to try helping with time management I'm going to put YouTube on a schedule. My first attempt at this is going to be new videos every Wednesday and Friday. At this time I haven't decided if I want to do certain content on certain days or what. I just know that this way I will have at least 2 videos rolling out every week that I can work to get done through the weekend/week. I will also teach me to work with scheduling my content instead of posting as I complete them.

Thanks for the read nubs!

With love,

30 Days of WoW - Day 23 - Blackwing Lair (BWL)

The last fight in BWL creates an enormously high amount of adds. Back when this was current content this fight was quite crazy for a raid to take on. Now we just see how perfect of a circle of death we can make.

30 Days of WoW - Day 22 - The Walk to Silvermoon

Sometimes on the weekends you just need to chill with friends and walk from Booty Bay to Silvermoon. This picture was taken around Redridge Mountains O.O!

30 Days of WoW - Day 21 - Time to Join the Scarlet Crusade!

Holy shit! It took me over 5 months to get this tabard. Now the real trick is creating a transmog set that matches it :D Impromptu transmog pieces in the pic but I don't think I like the fire halo. Maybe a Shado'Pan helmet? BUT THAT MEANS I HAVE TO GRIND REP AGAIN........

Thursday, January 15, 2015

30 Days of WoW - Day 20 - Tent City

Tent city in my garrison

I wanted to know what some of the tents available to the leatherworking follower looked like. I think so far the troll one is my favorite. Got a favorite tent?

With love,

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

30 Days of WoW - Day 19 - Team Serious Warsong Gulch Sweep

Team Serious is back with a WSG battleground that was a clean sweep. Dipsy pretty much tanked their whole team the entire time while our team ran the flag. We just made sure to kill their flag carrier whenever we could. Hope you enjoy!

With love,

Thursday, January 8, 2015

30 Days of WoW - Day 17 - Battleground Match With Friends (Team Serious)

Was very busy with the real-life job so I fell behind on my daily post challenge. I'm at the very least not going to let myself skip days. A very fun game with some of my best friends and my beautiful fiance. Thought we were going to lose in the middle of it. Teammates not holding mines properly while we run the cart. Not only am I going to start uploading more games with friends but some "YOLO RBGs" as well, also called Team Serious. I love playing WoW with these guys though for real!

With love,

30 Days of WoW - Day 16 - The View While Waiting for Queue


Like to have a nice view while standing around waiting for RBG queues and members. This was taken the day Team Serious RBG groups started. Whaaaa! Whaaaaa!

With love,

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Reaction to Connecticut Forcing Teen to Get Chemo

This is the article I'm reacting to!

Do I think it's wrong that the government has the idea that they can decide how someone fights for their life? Yes. The government needs to step the fuck off in situations like this. All this girl is going to feel like now is a damn lab rat which will not help her morale at all. But this is unfortunately the government we have raised. One that now thinks itself to play God.

It was her choice and her parents supported her decision, which is good in situations like this. What if they WERE wrong though? I do believe in modern medicine and agree with the doctor in this article. Unfortunately, I believe right now there is a huge movement that is ANTI pretty much anything modern medicine. And you see a lot of stories of people who beat cancer without chemo or surgery...good for fucking you bud. Not everyone can do it and I think it's even more wrong that these minority, "miracle" some are called, cases go out of their way to instill fear into people facing chemo.

Why would you fucking do that?!?! Someone should be able to view all of their options with all the facts without being terrified before they hear them. This holistic approach works for some, others it has not - i.e. Steve Jobs. They think they have the right to tell everyone to say NO to chemo. How bout everyone (government included) let people get the info from both sides and make the decision on their life themselves?

The fact that this girl has Hodgkin's Lymphoma and they wanted to use alternative treatment is terrifying to me personally. This type of cancer moves quickly and likes to spread literally everywhere. The whole reason that chemo works well with this is because you can't just pin point where it is or where it wants to go. You have to hit everywhere at once and in a way that actually kills and stops the cancer cells in their tracks. Doing yoga, eating completely organic and believing in rainbows unicorns does NOT guarantee nor can it pretend to live up to the sheer amount of people helped by chemo and modern medicine.

With love,

Monday, January 5, 2015

30 Days of WoW - Day 15 - Best Zone Cinematic

This is now my desktop background :D

This is a screenshot from by far the best cinematic in the game for finishing a zone. It finally brings closure to a huge part of the story. One that goes all the way back to Burning Crusade for people that were playing back then. The relationship between Thrall and Garrosh is actually pretty sad considering the high hopes Thrall had for Garrosh. If you haven't finished the story quests in Nagrand yet I highly suggest doing so. This video is well worth it so either finish the quests or look it up on YouTube. THRALL!!!! Lok'tar ogar!

With Love,

Sunday, January 4, 2015

30 Days of WoW - Day 14 - Hunter YouTube Thumbnail Draft

I'm gonna touch you... with arrows!

Something a little different with this post in regards to WoW. I've started playing around with Gimp as an alternative to Photoshop. This pic is just me playing around with poses of my Hunter for YouTube thumbnails. This might actually get expanded upon for a banner. That is once I'm comfortable enough with Gimp.

On a side note - I think hoods are my favorite type of gear aesthetic for the helmet slot. I'm trying to work on a hooded scarlet set but getting a tabard to drop is like pulling teeth.

With love,