Saturday, November 1, 2014

Super Smash Bros. 3DS - Champ of the Week - Luigi

So decided to start a weekly thing regarding Smash Bros. because this game is too fun to not talk about. It's a fighting game that got it's start with the N64 and has been a huge success since then. I thought maybe it would be fun to talk about my favorite champs at least once a week. Not so much of a competitive/tier review because I think I have no place reviewing champs in that way. I love this game casually but know I stand no chance in competitive. More or less I'll be talking about why/how I have fun with champs. Also talk about what I think I suck at and needs to be worked on.

luigi_fireballWithout further delay let's get started with the terrible yet amazing green missile that is Luigi. He's been a member of the Smash Bros. roster since the beginning. He was an unlock-able champ in the original title but I never played him much then. Hell it's been so long I don't even remember who my main was in the old games. The tall dorky dude is usually in the main man Mario's shadow but with games like Luigi's Mansion, he finally gets the lime light he deserves. Also the fact that Luigi is all about the green he definitely gets extra points.

 His move set is sort of weird, at least for me, and requires some thinking to get around all the different styles in Smash. The more mechanically sound players might have an easier time at this since they can sneak in attacks better. For me I find that Luigi has a lot of very telegraphic moves that make it even harder for me to get damage done sometimes. But the funny sounds and the rewarding feeling of landing an Up+B attack for a K.O. is unmatched in my book.

If anyone reads this that is mechanically sound and knows some tricks with Mr. Green please by all means comment away. Like I said I just like talking about and playing Smash Bros. but I am in no position to give tips or tell people how to play. 

All-in-all I give Luigi a very serious score of 8 Luigi Cyclones out of 10.

With love,

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